Awakening Maakari by Paolo Scarpelli

 Awakening Maakari
          by Paolo Scarpelli

Awakening Maakari
Three weeks ago I had a conversation with Muse, asking her to inspire me new ideas. She filled my mind with new thoughts and concepts and i came up with the idea of a new godform.
The god of human relationships, master of both cooperation and conflict, the patron of everything that requires two or more human beings relating to each other. The deity of love and hate and everything in between, war and peace, revenge and forgiveness, building and destruction. Despite her ambivalent nature the deity has a positive goal: to allow humans to accomplish great things together, using even conflict as a positive energy of renovation. He/she (non-binary deity) can be seen as the archetype of everything good humanity has accomplished together, through difficulties and conflicts, overcoming differences and incomprehensions.
I also felt the existence of another entity, a dark twin of this deity. The embodiment of everything bad humanity has ever made, every betrayal, every lie, every murder. Every time we failed to cooperate together. A god not to be worshipped but to be exorcized, restrained, kept asleep. An adversary. And still, curiously, the god itself is not really evil. He's the catastrophe but not the one who caused it. He's the glaciers melting but not the cause of global warming. Because of course when humanity fails we are the solely responsible. The deity has even a positive aspect, giving us the chance to learn from our mistakes, to develop a sense of awareness.

We're always hanging somewhere in the precarious balance between entirely screwing ourselves and figuring a way out of the messes we create, i feel like that's one of the forces that drives us forward; "necessity is the mother of invention"
Jonathan Lepien

Two days later Eduardo wrote me, telling me he felt something odd and malevolent related to the Current. Some kind of Mephisto. I immediately thought of the dark twin.
Days passed and i launched Operation Reversed Flame, which has sparked a discussion between politicized and apolitical members of the Movement. The tones raised a bit and at one point the different positions seemed irreconcilable. That's when the deity of togetherness came in our help, using the conflict as a force of renewal, transforming dispute into exchange of knowledge, until a new shared position came out. It was a collective act of magic.

When I realized it, i decided to try to contact the god/dess. I asked their name and i got in response a confused word. Mekara? Makara? Maakari?
I started my researches and a flood of synchronicity swept over me.
You guys! You guys! Do you feel it? We're real! We're real and we're winning/triumphing/conquering!

- First thing that came to my mind: Makkari. Marvel Comics character. Member of the Eternals. Super speed powers. He first appeared as a male and now she's reborn as a lady. In Marvel's continuity, in the past, Makkari has impersonated the roman god Mercury: the name Makkari itself is a written version of how the word "Mercury" is pronounced. Mercury/Hermes is a god of communication, which fits perfectly with the archetype of our god/dess of human relations.
- In my previous Valdas workings I felt that the Caduceus, the magical staff of Hermes, was somehow related to the Hexorian Current. It is indeed a symbol of cooperation between two forces. It's been an inspiration for Maakari's sigil.
Makara, in the australian aboriginal myths, or Maakari, in Easter Island's traditions, is the name of the Pleiades stars, who where called "the Seven Sisters" and worshipped as goddesses. The archetype of the Pleiades as Seven Sisters is present in a lot of ancient cultures all around the world, from Native Americans to Hindu to Japan. In many myths they are followed by the Orion constellation, constantly hunting them. It has been speculated that all these myths have a common root, so the tale of the Pleiades and Orion may be the world's oldest story, something told thousand of years ago and shared orally, generation after generation, up to the present days. What could be better to represent human collaboration?
- In Greek mythology the Pleiades are seven Nymphs, old goddesses, daughters of Titans. One of them, Maia, is the mother of Hermes. She lived in the legendary Arcadia. There are some hints of a past golden era, the Halcyon days, when the nymph Halcyon, another sister, watched over the Mediterranean Sea and the world was filled with joy, peace and prosperity. The character of Orion the hunter is basically a stalker chasing the 7 sisters to, ehm, have non-consensual sex with them, so he could definitely represent the archetype of humanity's failures, the dark twin.
Mahakali is the hindu goddess of time and death in the Shaktism tradition. She is indeed the embodiment of the Shakti itself, the primeval force, the power of pure creation of the Universe. While Shiva is the consciousness, Shakti is the power of action. Shiva without Shakti is inactive, reality is the result of the balance between these two forces.
- In Kundalini Yoga, the Shakti is represented as a snake wrapped around our vertebral column, at the height of the root chakra. Again, the Caduceus.
Makari-kari is a salt lake in the Kalahari desert in Botswana. In a 1885's report a canadian explorer says he found there the ruins of a legendary lost city built by an unknown ancient civilization. In the Zulu tribal legends the city of Makarikari is the scene of battles between the evil goddess Watamaraka and the forces of good.
At the end I choosed the name Maakari, it felt a good compromise between the various options.
I'm going to make further investigations on the god/dess and on the still unnamed dark twin.
This is the deity of cooperation, so feel free to contribute as you wish, experimenting with Maakari or finding other signs of their presence in this world.

The City will feed us
**NOTATION-  Post from Hexorius Movement and presented for study and further insight

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