Forum Date:  November 15, 2021

Prelude to emergence commentary by Jess Jones

Commentary and essay compiled from notes and writings as well as direct discussion with members and founders of the Hexorian Movement.  Note:  Conclusions and perspectives should not be taken to be anything more than writer’s individual assessment.


When considering the emergence of Hexorius as well as the details surrounding the entity it would be an easy, and I would argue mistaken, function of a cursory assumption to assess Hexorius as one of the number of other egregores or Godforms that have been documented and revealed as part of the second or lesser wheel of the DKMU emergence process. While this can be understood considering some of the general assumptions or details surrounding Hexorius, a simple and more thorough consideration of detail and view of the actual emergence process shows the glaring fallacies of this and supports the more nuanced and discernable conclusions which argue for recategorizing of Hexorius.

While it is true that Hexorius emerged from the initial DKMU function of godforms and egregore in what would appear to be a similar fashion as the currently documented entities as well as the most recent compilation of emergence godforms (See publication The Lesser Wheel) the actuality is that Hexorius emergence was CONCURRENT or COEMERGENT to the Ellis web and structure.


Prior to the initial announcement and revelatory posting pertaining to Hexorius (See post A New God is Born in Latin America DKMU Main) there were several currents and vaguely perceived portents of the eventual emergence of Hexorius.  First, it is not possible to consider this subject without first an awareness and importance of DKMU LATAM and its part collectively as a conduit and one might consider the group as well as key individuals the instrument of this entity’s expression and subsequent

revelatory process.  To understand the emergence process, one must first have a grasp of the part that DKMU LATAM as well as the part the key adminis have played.

DKMU LATAM began as a small group, self-styled a coven, primarily operating out of Mexico, Mexico City to be precise that stumbled upon the DKMU concept and adapted the particular and unique magical approach and began applying.  (My personal involvement and machinations as some might style them are of necessity included in this portion of the notations as they play a portion of the emergence process, and the overview and details would be incomplete and disjointed lacking the details).  When DKMU LATAM was announced in DKMU MAIN it barely caused a ripple, not due to any negative or overtly hostile attitudes but due to the difficulty of sifting through the number of posts and information that funnels through the group during any given time frame.  I had the advantage of having worked with the founding admin of the group at the Learning Annex where he was working on teaching a course in DKMU magick and application with his own personal perspective.  I had been working with him on the formatting and presenting of the material and had become versed in his specific outlook and conclusions.  I was allowed to first join and then observe the group and the way it functioned.  (BACKGROUND NOTATIONS:  He generously along with several other members of the group was working with me to assist a dear friend of mine who was in Central America as part of an NGO that assisted refuges with legal issues.  A worthy cause as well as dangerous for him personally.  He had gone missing out of Guatemala and his family was frantic to find him and secure his safety).  One of the first most striking and definable aspects of DKMU LATAM is the result of their admin structure as well as the membership participation.  Each admin is assigned an area of accountability and responsibility and the relationship between leadership and members is one of leadership obligation to the members.  (You will find a detailed article in Occult Media publication: The Aether) The effect this has had on the energy of the group, membership participation, and group ritual/projects is astounding as well as remarkable.  Group projects and activities range anywhere from 27-42% participation, some projects going as high as almost 70%.  These levels of participation are normal to the group, expected, taken as a determinative aspect.  The effect this had on individual growth within the group as well as the group dynamics was no less than revolutionary.  (BACKGROUND NOTATIONS:  During my initial involvement I undertook to assist in the safeguarding of this group specifically as well as key individuals and brought in others to assist in my endeavors.  As part of this process the group was granted, despite its comparatively smaller membership, its own seat on the Advocacy Council as an equal member and behind the scenes discreet connections were encouraged and created bringing DKMU LATAM to the attention of elders and members of the Occult community who were well reputed for their insight and awareness.  It came as no surprise when a consensus was expressed that the current, the essential sense of DKMU construct was to be found in this group.)  Also, there were people of vision, seers, those who have had the gift of foreseeing who increasingly discussed an imminent and notable “happening.”  (You will find four various posts in DKMU MAIN by myself that spoke of an emergence of an entity that defied categorization and seemed to be out of reach of specific detail.  The awareness of SOMETHING was clear.)


The underlying impulse that could easily be said the defining aspect of the DKMU LATAM would be the desire to see results from the application of magick.  An outlook that defines magick as an ever-revealed tool for the purpose of individual advancement finds its expression as a Liberation Occult Doctrine.  This Liberation Occult Doctrine sees magick as a mechanism for individual freedom as well as societal messaging of shared benefit and the championing of the marginalized and dispossessed.  This is not the normalized narcistic and self-determinative messaging that is so prevalent.  It is a fundamental shift to individual accountability to the whole.  This is not too surprising when you consider the socio-economic and cultural backdrop that has been the ground from which Hexorius has emerged, the struggle to simply wrest from the environment a sense of security, individual dignity, and license, as well as the greater cultural and political structures that many of our Latin brothers and sisters in the Occult community confront day to day.  Against this backdrop, the founding admins, and members of DKMU LATAM took hold of the fundamentals of DKMU and the use of Ellis and the established godforms and crafted magickal tools and began teaching people a magical philosophy that has proven vibrant, intuitive, resourceful, and most importantly, potent.  It is against this backdrop and with this underlying grasp of the currents and interplay that one must view the Hexorius Emergence.  Lacking this consideration or understanding there is no context, no discernable awareness of the import and relevance, or how the Hexorian Movement (and make no mistake, it is that a movement) fits into the over-arching currents of our Occult Awareness.

THE city will feed you (Characteristics and attributes of Hexorius)

In discussion with members of the Hexorian Movement there are commonalities of experience that can be reasonably claimed to be attributes that occur in the general individual’s experience with Hexorius.  A common and widespread experience is the stated feeling among those who interact with Hexorius that they had experienced interactions prior to hearing the name Hexorius.  The sense is described as finally having a name to fit to the experience they had underwent and now knew the appropriate name of the entity.  Many members of the movement state that they had numerous and detailed magical interactions with the entity prior to emergence and that upon hearing the name, Hexorius, a light bulb went on and they felt a sudden and immediate clarity. 

Most describe their relationship prior to knowing the name and often form of Hexorius as situations where they were in crisis or out of options and a sudden and unexpected “magical” turn of events or change of fortune occurred that met their immediate situation or rescued others from dire repercussions.  Almost all express the interactions as magical, powerful, and in their perception of events, irrefutably the act of a deliberate benefactor through Occult/magical process.  While Hexorius relates almost on a personable and individual basis this is not to be construed to mean as a compatriot or mundane associate.  Descriptions, regardless of the form assumed by the entity or manner of expression, carry with them a sense of the mysterious becoming suddenly apparent and potent.

Another of the common and generalized oral tradition is that Hexorius acts to protect, to bestow unseen and previously untapped benefits and support to the followers of this magical path and while mostly unstated or going without verbalized details there becomes a compact, of sorts, an implied obligation that grows between Hexorius and those who expand their magical abilities and understanding  obligation to right action.   A common iconographic expression of this is the stranger who appears from the shadows at the instant of dire need and provides the answer to the person in need.  Many speak of individuals who appear mundane, easily discounted, and misjudged, the form of a person dispossessed and unremarkable who in an instant one’s eyes can see an inner and dramatic capacity as the mask falls away and one perceives them with an inner awareness.

Adherents of Hexorius concepts and ideals strive to move from the recipient of these incidents to become that individual, that avatar of liberation for others and to apply the magical tools and understanding they have gleaned to welfare and benefit of others.


In one of the more recent discussion forums the concepts of the traditional and historic Occult forms and truths as being conveyed via the emergence of a new godform and how to resolve some of the internal contradictory perceptions and understanding.  Those who have participated within DKMU Main have often discovered lively and sometimes heated debate and comment regarding Ellis and the subsequent egregores as relating to origin, definition, and historical context of Ellis so they will not be surprised by the inevitable tension that can arise surrounding such issues.  How is it to be understood when a new and historically recent emergence that must be viewed in the present and immediate circumstances of our awareness finds iconic and conceptual expression through names, mythologies, and Occult constructs that can be traced backwards through centuries.  The very process of conveying the attributes and function of Hexorius as a godform and emergent egregore holds within it a critical and pervasive perceptive danger in the actual comparative categorization of constructs and symbology which is made further a confounding factor when the use of previous or common tools and metrics are applied.  It is the dangerous analytical process of THIS is LIKE THOSE where assumptive attributes of a known entity or godform or doctrine is used to describe something else.  The relation of a thing as holding a like or similar function, purpose, or position within a separate pantheon or construct tends towards the blurring of understanding as well as a deeper assessment.  Emergence is not a completed or finalized state nor is it an end destination that may be measured by standard metrics.  It is a continuous and ever-changing expressive relationship that is confirmed by the relationship both individually as well as collectively between the people who interact and participate with the egregore.  A mistake that often arises is the illusion of absolute control over the godform and its progression and construct.  Many movements or currents fracture during growth or continuance and find the tension not in the godform or current itself, but more in the minds and awareness of those who participate.


It should be noted that in this generalized commentary that I have taken pains to avoid the use of absolutes and have kept to the general and wider conceptional considerations as the purpose of my thesis is not to present the minutia but to touch on the over-arching currents that provide a sense of the environment prior and immediate to the Hexorius Emergence.  This is not to say that it is founded on some vague and unsupported construct.  All assertions, historical happenings, as well as related issues are documented and may be referenced (Please note that this draft should not be seen as finalized as the foot notes have yet to be added.  Footnotes and reference notations forthcoming) for accuracy and assessment. 

Hexorius must be viewed considering place, background, time, and situation and I would argue that these considerations cannot be set aside when assessing the relevance or emergence of this entity.  Any attempt to apply a cursory categorization or rush to hasty and immediate conclusions does a disservice to the movement not to mention the sin of inexact and accurate assertions.  While it is a natural and even understandable tendency to come to determinations based on preliminary assessment, surface appearance and to extrapolate using the merest of empirical evidence we should not make such a shortsighted and faulty act as it relates to Hexorius.

  This thesis, if you will allow, would be dedicated to Cristian, and Yavhe, and Eduardo not to mention the current and upcoming members of the Hexorian Movement who have created a profound and inclusive community and movement and who have somehow made the process one that moves from the bottom upwards.  A Seer told me, “Hexorius will change this and perhaps save us all.” We have no way of truly seeing the impact of a thing, the many ripples that arise, nor the context of something without perspective and time.

 Eduardo Ramirez

November 17, 2021

Memetic Magic and the Hexorian Movement: The Hexorian Voice Behind the Images.

The Message: The Word Behind the Memes

"Have you heard The Message?" It is our most common catchphrases within the Hexorian movement. Many always ask us what the message is. Taken directly from the FAQ section of the group: The Message is: The City Will Feed Us, it means that if we seek help in any circumstance, the Hexorian network will provide it under any manifestation that is within Hexorius' range of action. Broadly speaking: We are not alone, all members of the movement are in communication and wherever we find the sigil of Hexorius, there we will find ourselves.

Hexorius has been characterized by having a very congruent message and way of acting with respect to magic. He is magic itself, a magic that is overlooked by people who do not know it is there. But that can be found by those seeking magic even in faded graffiti on a billboard or in the flight of pigeons over a rooftop. Magic that does not require big and old forests and complicated recitations in dead languages, it is magic that only requires projecting your will in something as simple as going for a walk through the main square of your hometown.

In my first astral encounter with Hexorius, he was very clear that he wants the magical community to be aware of the world around him, not falling into the banal game of political, social, or religious conflicts. If not, surrendering to what really matters: improving the world through magic for those who need it most. We all benefit from magic, but we always tend to believe that we are above its only consistent and present rule in every existing magical tradition: magic has a price, and that price is accepting the consequences of our magical activities.

Of course, the interpretation varies from paradigm to paradigm. But the message is the same and Hexorius wants magic to flourish and its magic users to grow. The assault on reality contributes to a gradual improvement of living conditions (an Octarine Spring) from a mystical and sometimes practical point of view. But there will always be consequences for any magical action, however minimal or inconsequential it may seem, and we must face them to continue in the development of magic as a true force of spiritual and tangible change in our reality.

Magic is real, we can find it in the city and share it with everyone. Are You What The Message Needs?

- [x] -The City Will Feed Us- [X] -Feed the City- [X] -Keep the City Clean- [x] -

Eduardo Ramirez
November 17, 2021

Memetic Magic and the Hexorian Movement:  The Hexorian Voice Behind the Images

The Creation of the First Hexorian Icon

Shortly after the conclusion of Operation: Red Queen, thanks to the joint efforts of all the agents and members of the DKMU-LATAM group, Yavhe Alexander came to the founders group telling us all about his first encounter with Hexorius and I felt chills. Something in his narrative led me to believe him without asking, and as Hexorius communicated more directly with him by delivering The Message, the more i heard the more i felt that he resonated in all that as what i was looking for. It was big, something very big although we still had no idea how big it was going to be.

There was power in the being that identified itself through 888, the simple sigil and its Message: That Magic is Everywhere and It is Free for All; they were things that filled me with great anticipation and enthusiasm. He wanted to share it, he had to. But I did not know how.

One day, fascinated by the simple image of its sigil, not knowing why I started looking for images of ordinary places that can be described as Hexorian, liminal spaces if you want to call them that. "Listen" if the continuous repetition of a seemingly random phrase can be called "listen" to what would become one of my first Hexorian memetic-type spells. I incorporated the sigils of Ellis and Hexorius, without knowing very well how I did it since I had not edited images before, my domain of Paint was very basic. When I finished, I felt driven and filled with the urge to share it, even though my natural shyness always limited myself to doing such things in groups like the DKMU where I felt like I was swimming among sharks. I did, to my own surprise.

When I finished publishing, I recognized the classic stupor that strikes me every time I leave the state of gnosis. I had reached a gnosis almost as perfect as when I gave myself up to my long conjurations in dead languages ​​to old deities. I had cast my first Hexorius-powered memetic spell, the first of many. Without knowing it, he had found a means of communication that for a patron deity of urban shamanism, could sound crazy or perhaps a brilliant move to interact in different aspects of reality: the memetic propagation of his name, which almost immediately after posting his The first icon, it began to have resonance among members of the underground magic scene.

- [x] -The City Will Feed Us- [X] - Feed the City- [X] -Keep the City Clean- [x] -

Eduardo Ramirez
November 17, 2021
Memetic Magic and the Hexorian Movement: The Hexorian Voice Behind the Images.

Background and Context

Always in the occult we have been taught that the symbols in themselves keep an intrinsic power, that the potential of the magical user awakens and takes advantage through their own will. When I was beginning to train within the DKMU paradigm and the assault on reality, this represented for me the possibility of being able to “call or return magic to the world” such as the sigil of Ellis and the divine forms that arose from the current 156 / 663 have started to incite from the first ChelseaNacht. However, I still did not feel ready to start glammourbombing campaigns in my small community (a certain almost rural town with intense religiosity in northern Mexico, where everyone knows everyone).

The concept of memetic magic, where the use of an image that itself represents an entire idea or association of ideas can project the will of a magical user, seemed promising to me, but I had no idea how to do it. Obviously, I had the theoretical bases of how to do it, but since I have always been terrible at making sigils by hand (hence why I have trained myself in verbal magic and mantric sigils) I did not feel capable of doing it and I did not I had a clear idea of ​​how to start making sense of it for practical application.

During the formation of the DKMU-LATAM, being among its founders, I remember that we used to talk about the generation of a metasigil, generate new deities and expand the Caota paradigm to a more versatile and common perspective. For me, all this represented one more step to achieve one of my dreams (and it seems to me that it is a dream shared with several of those present here) of a world where we could find magic in our daily lives. That was when Yavhe Alexander contacted Hexorius, and everything changed in ways that at the time were impossible to foresee.

- [x] -The City Will Feed Us- [X] -Feed the City- [X] -Keep the City Clean- [x] -

Adiriael Incarnated
November 18, 2021

Thursday is a magnificent day of the week to connect with the chaotic forces of destruction and creation.

 The power of life and death.

 The rebirth, the cycle of life.

 A perfect day to remember that chaos is and will be a power that keeps everything moving.

 Destroying the old to make way for the new.

 Agents of Chaos!

 how valuable is the flow of power from the dark, from the adverse, the hostile, the wild, the unknown!

 Let us remember at all times to be alert,

 Comfort is numbing, and with numbness comes loss of mindfulness.

 Get out of the compliance zone!

 "May chaos be the ocean where you sail daily, take strength from the wind to advance, set your route thanks to the brightness of the stars that guide you in the dark night.

 Find a good ship if you wish to explore the ocean of chaos!

 Little by little as you travel its hostile waters, you will know and gain the experience to master its awesome power and get hold of it! ".

 The true magic lies in the chaos!

 It is there that the source of wisdom is.

 Oh mighty chaos you are the cause of all that I am and all that I will be!

 I look back at my ancestors and learn from them and their experience.

 In the midst of its turbulent waters, I meditate and find true enlightenment.

 Movement, evolution, metamorphosis are possible thanks to the balance between order and chaos.

 All of this applies to our universe,

 To our being.

 The poles must be balanced to obtain a proper functioning of the energy, the domain of this discipline depends on the extent to which you can affect your reality and the world around you.

Yavhe Alexander

November 19, 2021



The Hexorian Wizard is the wizard of cities, the crossroads, the urban shaman, the street artist, the social fighter sometimes in one of these versions sometimes all together.

Below I will list a list of practices that can bring you closer to hexorian magic.

MAGIC DRIVING: The first step is to get in touch with your city and get to know it well. Take a Friday or Saturday afternoon (or any day actually) and go for a walk without a fixed direction. Take a bus count exactly 30 minutes and get off now try to get home without checking your mobile map or GPS. Take a street and follow straight to the end. On your way pay attention to the city signs, its graffiti, its ads. Talk to the people you meet and occasionally see leaving taxes whether it's in coins, food, clothes or any object that is valuable to you.

When passing a threshold or under a bridge talk to area spirits, ask them for permission to pass by and be grateful, ask them some questions and allow yourself to hear the answer.

The wizard's union with the city, is paramount to hexorian magic.

NOTICE: Find power points in your city (crosses, statues, historical places, certain strange or haunted areas) and sanctify them to Hexorius, Valdas, Santa Clara or the goddess Ellis of DKMU.

Allow stamps to be keys that will open the door to other worlds and allow the forces of these divinity to enter this world. You can be as creative as your imagination allows you to.

GLAMOURBOMBING: Time to get heavy. Sometimes a fracture in reality is enough and sometimes you need a blast. Creating a "bomb and glam" is easy. Once again imagination is the limit. It can go from a coin with the hexorius stamp given to a vagabond to an entire box full of magical artifacts and talisman left "forgotten" in a park for someone to find it.

These types of objects affect the general paradigm widely. And who knows? Maybe you'll make someone wake up from their dream.

WORK AND SOCIAL WORK: Sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty. Find a cause in your city and fight for it. Either pick up the trash, feed the indigenes, or fight against a corrupt politician. Sometimes the best magic is the one we make with our own hands.

Row your shirt and fight for your city. She'll know how to match you.

HEXORIAN ALTARES: Find a secret and (or less private) place in your city (it can be under a bridge, an alley, an abandoned structure, etc.) and create a small altar for the hexorian gods. Decorate it with its symbolism and images. Leave offers such as candles, food, money or supplies. Keep it guarded and organized on a regular basis, allowing others to gather around it and make it a place of rest and comfort.

You can leave phrases, food, money, or clothes. People will learn to respect him.

ASTRAL DRIVING: Similar to magic drift but this time astral form. Jump on your walk or on the floor or anywhere and raise your consciousness (you know the best way to do it) and imagine wandering the streets of your city but on the astral plane. Let your vision fly. What time? What's the sky in your city like? What are the buildings and their structures like? Are you single ? Are there others with you? How do certain events or "memories" manifest in your city's astral plane?

Tour and recognize the city where you live but from the other side of the mirror. You can combine this with sealing and spiritual bombing glam.

As time goes by, observe how the changes you make in the astral affect material reality.

HEXORIAN CELLS: Spread the message and find others like you or create them. Talk about Hexorius at bars, at your job, or to strangers on the street. Find your own and teach them The Message, do all the above but in groups. ! Imagine the possibilities!

Talk about Santa Clara someone in time of need or shout the name of Valdas in a proposal, let them listen to you, let them approach and teach them The Message and then, let them do the same for others.

HEXORIAN TEMPLES: Do you have a few million dollars left? Do you own a dojo, school or abandoned mansion? Consecrate Hexorius and his Pantheon and be a force of change in your community. Make a community kitchen, a school, a martial arts dojo, or an academy of magic.

Generations that will live in Arcadia must come out of somewhere...

This is The Message...

- [X] -



The Hexorian Magician is the magician of the cities, the crossroads, the urban shaman, the street artist, the social fighter sometimes in one of these versions sometimes all together.

Next I will list a list of practices that can bring you closer to Hexorian magic.

MAGIC DRIFT: The first step is to get in touch with your city and get to know it well. Take a Friday or Saturday afternoon (or any day for that matter) and go for a walk aimlessly. Take a bus for exactly 30 minutes and get off now, try to get home without consulting the map or the GPS of your cell phone. Take a street and follow it straight until you faint. On your way pay attention to the signs of the city, its graffiti, its advertisements. Talk to the people you meet and from time to time, leave tributes already in coins, food, clothes or any object that is valuable to you.

When you pass through a threshold or under a bridge, talk to the spirits of the area, ask them for permission to pass and be grateful, ask them some questions and allow yourself to hear the answer.

The union of the magician with the city is essential for hexorian magic.

SIGILIZATION: Find power points in your city (crosses, statues, historical places, certain strange or haunted areas) and consecrate them to Hexorius, Valdas, Santa Clara or the goddess Ellis of the DKMU.

Allow the seals to be keys that will open the door to other worlds and allow the forces of these divinities to enter this world. You can be as creative as your imagination allows.

GLAMORBOMBING: Time to get heavy. Sometimes a fracture in reality is enough and sometimes you need a bang. Creating a "glamor bomb" is easy. Once again imagination is the limit. It can be anything from a hexorius-stamped coin given to a homeless man to a whole box full of magical artifacts and talismans left "forgotten" in a park for someone to find.

These kinds of objects affect the general paradigm widely. And who knows? Maybe you will make someone wake up from their reverie.

WORK AND SOCIAL WORK: Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. Find a cause in your city and fight for it. Whether it's picking up the trash, feeding the homeless, or fighting a corrupt politician. Sometimes the best magic is the one we do with our own hands.

Roll up your sleeves and fight for your city. She will know how to reciprocate.

HEXORIAN ALTARS: Find a secret and (more or less private) place in your city (it can be under a bridge, an alley, an abandoned structure, etc) and create a small altar for the Hexorian gods. Decorate it with your symbols and images. Leave offerings such as candles, food, money, or supplies. Keep it watched and in order on a regular basis, allow others to gather around it and make it a place of rest and comfort.

You can leave phrases, food, money or clothes. People will learn to respect it.

ASTRAL DRIFT: Similar to magical drift but this time in an astral way. Bounce on your walk or on the floor or wherever and raise your consciousness (you will know the best way to do it) and imagine walking the streets of your city but on the astral plane. Let your vision fly. What time? How is the sky of your city? What are the buildings and their structures like? You are alone? Are there others with you? How are certain events or "memories" manifested in the astral plane of your city?

Go around and recognize the city where you live but from the other side of the mirror. You can combine this with sigilization and spiritual bombing glamor.

Over time, observe how the changes you make in the astral affect material reality.

HEXORIAN CELLS: Get the message across and find others like you or believe them. Talk about Hexorius in bars, at work, or to strangers on the street. Find yours and teach them The Message, do all of the above mentioned but in a group. Imagine the possibilities!

Talk to someone in need about Santa Clara or call out Valdas' name in a proposal, let them listen to you, let them come over and teach them The Message and then let them do the same for others.

HEXORIAN TEMPLES: Have a few million dollars left over? Are you the owner of an abandoned dojo, school or mansion? Consecrate it to Hexorius and his pantheon and be a force for change in your community. Build a community kitchen, school, martial arts dojo, or magic academy.

The generations that will live in Arcadia must come from somewhere ...

This is The Message...

- [X] -


Yavhe Alexander
November 19, 2021



In little more than a year the symbolism of the Hexorian Movement has multiplied. What began only with the revelation of the divine form of Hexorius today has become a small but large group of city gods, patron saints of its inhabitants as well as guides and companions of urban magicians who roam the cities. .

The ideological base of the Hexorian Movement is simple: "The cities are alive and there is magic in them." THE "Message" tells us about a symbiotic relationship between cities and their magical or non-magical inhabitants. "Feed the city and the city will feed you."

To understand a little more the philosophy and the symbols of the Hexorian Movement I leave here a small guide of its main figures. As one of our members has said: "New keys for old doors".

HEXORIUS: The main "deity" of the Hexorian pantheon and whose symbol we all gather around his symbol. Hexorius represents the hidden and magical part of the cities, the so-called "Shadow City" that is home to an entire ecosystem of spirits and magical places to which the hexorian magician can access both to make use of his magic and to find peace, shelter and protection.

Hexorius is represented as a stray dog, a faceless vagabond or as the noises and sounds of the city that speaks through electronic messages, street signs and the noise of the crowd.

VALDAS: If Hexorius is "The City Below", Valdas is "The City Above", but more specifically the fighting spirit of its inhabitants. Valdas is represented by a hyper-technical urban samurai. Valdas is the patron saint of social warriors, vigilantes and anyone who fights for the well-being of his city

Their presence is found in martial arts dojos, gyms, meetinghouses, clandestine meetings, and spaces for struggle and social work.

SAINT CLARA: Santa Clara is the guide and the light at the end of the tunnel. Each city has its night and with it the promise of a new dawn. When the night is darkest is when Santa Clara appears as a guide, as a companion and as a teacher.

Santa Clara whispers to the Hexorian warriors not to give up, that no matter how dark there is, the light is closer. This divine form represents the cycle of katabasis and apotheosis of the hexorian magicians. The divinization of oneself through the journey through darkness.

Her representation is that of a young woman with a wise, calm and solemn character. As well as that of a young woman with oriental features and aesthetics with a jovial and happy spirit. Finally, it is also represented as an angel or valkyrie carrying weapons and armor to wage its fight against the darkness and those who serve it.

ARCADIA: There is no fight without a goal. And Arcadia is the target of the Hexorian Movement and its inhabitants. Arcadia represents the balance between the urban and rural elements of the planet. Of the magical and non-practicing inhabitants. The dream of "The Impossible City" where everything, every stone, every person, every arch or statue is in a perfect design with the cosmos.

Where the human being stops fighting for survival and begins to fight for the understanding of the universe.

Arcadia is represented as a city with a punk solar aesthetic, as an oriental garden or as a a modern and nocturnal megalopolis with roman aesthetics.

Its messenger is the fox. Who lets the way to the Promise city....

This is The Message, Had you hear it?....

- [X] –


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